Myself in a Nutshell


Being raised by immigrant parents in a vibrant city in the American South, I grew up experiencing a diverse range of languages. I came to understand that language can have an almost magical power, one that allows you to shape your identity, form connections, and make an impact on the world. I did my undergrad studies in Sociology and American Ethnic Studies at the University of Washington in Seattle before moving to Japan to teach English. Thus began my international adventures! I now live happily in Paris.

A summary of my English teaching experience: 

  • 9 years of classroom teaching in Japan, most notably at Kobe Ryukoku High School

  • 6 months of facilitating English lessons for computer engineering students at Epitech

  • 6 years of developing and executing a unique English coaching program at Scality, a successful Paris-based tech company

  • Top-level CELTA-certified 

    Check out my linkedin

The core philosophy behind Grow Your English: 

Truly effective learning is achieved when the student is completely empowered, has the right guidance, and is motivated from within to put energy toward a vision. No two people learn well in exactly the same way, which is why each coaching program is custom-designed based on the student’s objectives, learning style, interests, and lifestyle. I want to help you feel confident and expressive in this beautiful language of mine; in other words, I want you to make it your own. Learning a language is like growing a new self. It’s hard work, but I’m here to walk with you on your marvelous journey!